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Today's advice comes from Don Rainey:


今天MBA小課堂的嘉賓是Don Rainey:

"Despite all the cultural emphasis on ‘making it to the top,’ fewer than 1 percent of employees actually manage to attain an executive level position. For entrepreneurs, of course, the situation is dramatically different: By virtue of being the founder of a company, many become instant CEOs — well before they gain the experience needed to succeed."


One of the most important traits to becoming a successful CEO, says Rainey — General Partner with Grotech Ventures, a private equity investment firm — is to become an effective "issue spotter." Issue spotting is an exercise that focuses on pulling out the critical issues in a conflict.

私募股權投資公司Grotech Ventures的合夥人Rainey表示,一個成功的首席執行官必須具備的重要素質之一就是他必須是一個有效的“事件觀察員”。事件觀察是指在一次衝突中抓住主要事件的一種訓練。

Once an issue is identified, the most effective CEOs then work quickly to squash the potential problem before it has time to grow into a crisis.


"Framing these root causes, then determining the best way to resolve them, are also requisite skills for leaders. Usually, you can’t fix things yourself."

“找出問題的根源,然後採取最好的方式解決這些問題,這些也是一個領導者所必備的技能。 通常情況下,解決問題也不能單靠自己。”

標籤:mba 掐死 襁褓 課堂