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gna:意大利烤寬麪條(Ps: how to make lasagna.)


roni 意大利空心面,通心粉

3. --John: You are starting to make me a little neverous.

--Savannah: why am I starting to make you nervous?

---John: because I am starting to think you might be too good of a person for me,

---Savannah: I am not that good of a person.

k off to do sth.偷偷做某事

hy 污穢的',骯髒的

rdedn. 智障 v. 推遲,阻塞 :(retard)

stic n. 孤獨症患者 adj.孤獨的,自閉的

over n.殘餘物,剩下的飯菜 adj. 殘留的

道歉的話: sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel that..I have no idea what I was talking about.

9 reenlist v.延長服役