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Application Letter

May 29, 2010

Dear Sir or Madam:

Your advertisement interests me because it offers advancement in a field for which I am particularly qualified by experience and aptitude. I should like to apply for the position of Finance which was advertised in your official website

I am a sophomore student of Xiamen University. I have the course of accounting and other financial courses. In addition, after graduated from High School, I had a chance to work at KFC as a cashier. During these two years, previously I acquired the experiences of how to deal with many financial problems, being influenced by the international concept of KFC. Personally, I also become more careful and precise.

I am enclosing my resume together with my photograph.

If you feel that I am suited for the job, please inform me of the time convenient for an interview. I hope to hear form you in the near future.

Sincerely yours,


Thanks Letter

June 1st, 2010

Dear Mr. Wang

I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of the Finance with Unilever. I learned a great deal about your company, its major projects, and its development program in China.

As we discussed yesterday, I am convinced that I could make an impact and add value as Finance in your department. I believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you. My experience with KFC Corporation is related to the work you are offering. Also, my academic background provides a strong base for further development.

During yesterday’s interview, you asked me what is my advantage for applying the position. Besides my experiences and education, my advantage is the international view. As I know, Unilever is a Transnational Corporation which ask their employees to have the international outlook and which can accept the foreign culture quickly. I believe I am the talent that you are looking for.

Thanks again for the interview. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,



? 中文求職信的常用語(四個要訣)





這是最重要的一項,內在美的意思即是要令求職信有內涵,要"投其所好。投其所好即是說你 要爲每份工作都寫下求職信,千萬不要千篇一律,用一篇全世界通用的求職信來應徵只會反 映出你對這份工作毫無誠意。

你應該 :

- 清楚表明你來信的目的 。

- 在信中表現得對申請的工作很有興趣 。

- 重點介紹跟申請工作有關的長處和優點 。

- 如果你是剛剛畢業的話,因爲沒有實際工作經驗,故你可透過介紹在課外活動、暑期工、義工 等所取得的經驗,來突顯你的優點和長處 。

- 切忌使用浮誇的`字眼去形容你的專長,用字應謙虛有禮。

第二點 - 外在美

寫求職信時注重外在美並非要你找些紅紅綠綠有花紋的信紙來書信,亦不是要你用什麼華康標 楷體來作求職信的字體,外在美的意思是要令對方收到信時有舒服整齊的感覺。 而文章最好是能夠長短得宜 。

要注意的地方 :

--- 求職信的長度不要過長, 最好以一頁爲限,不要超過一頁。

- 如果你是用電子郵件的話,最好選用通用的英文,以免出現怪碼,如果要用中文的話,請在編碼之處選用BIG 5, 最好先將電郵寄一次給自己,確定能夠沒有亂碼的情況才寄出電郵。 --- 如果你是選用Freemail Account的話應該不出現亂碼的問題,不過就不要用過於怪誕的電 郵Account作聯絡電郵,如 , 這難免給人不夠穩重的感覺,除非你是應徵電玩行業的工作啦 !

--- 信紙方面,選用質素好的純白A4紙便可,這可以給人一種整齊舒服的感覺 。

--- 千萬不要使用影印本。如果連你的簽名都是影印的話,就可以反映你的誠意是如何不足了。 因此,求職信內的簽名,最好要親筆簽名,以示專重和誠意,一封壯重的求職信纔可以爲你帶來 面試的機會。

--- 行距方面,不要太密,亦不必太疏,要適中。不然只會令僱主會看得很辛苦,對於看不順眼的求職信, 最終只會落得被投籃的下場。

第三點 - 精而簡要

顧名思義,寫求職信的內容應儘量精簡,不宜累贅,用字亦要精確恰當,不要標新立異。此外, 不要以爲用一些異常深澀難明的詞語可以突顯你的才華,應該要以簡潔易明爲原則。

格式要儘量 跟足,除非你是創意非凡兼且寫得一手好文章,否則破格的求職信絕對不適合您 。


- 用字要精簡,一針見血。

- 切忌離題萬丈,又或者長篇大論滔滔不絕也不到正題。

- 避免使用深澀難明的字詞。

- 套用一般公文的格式來寫作 。

第四點 - 反覆校正


注 要 事 項 :

- 小心錯別字。

- 公司名稱和負責人的職銜及姓名要多加留意有否出錯,以免被扣印象分。

- 反覆校正,確定信件無誤才把求職信寄出。

- 檢查一下附加的資料是否齊全,如履歷表、相片及學歷證明等等。

- 可以的話不妨將求職信給朋友看看,看看有沒有錯漏之處。


標籤:求職信 感謝