
2017-04-15 閱讀:(6.13K)



“Now,tell us something about yourself.”

這是 面試 的時候大家普遍會被問到的一個常規問題,看似簡單卻不好回答。沒有人真正對你在什麼地方出生感興趣,他們真正感興趣的是你的專業背景和你的工作經歷。考官其實是在問你“Why should I hire you?”應聘教師職位你可以說:”Majoring in English and being passionate about education, I choose teaching as my career. I’ve got a lot making of a good teacher. First, I am good at communicating with people…”

“What is your greatest weakness?”
Though I am really good at carrying out the plans, I must admit that sometimes I stick myself into the details and fail to see the whole picture. Well, I’ve realized that and I am just trying to improve it.”

在 面試 中,薪水也是必須談的問題,當面試官問道“Let’s talk about salary. What are you looking for?”,該如何回答呢?很多 求職 者要麼回答得太快,太直接,要麼就是不敢作答,生怕自己的要價嚇跑了僱主。一句“well, that’s something I’ve thought long and hard about and I think someone with my experience should get between X & Y。”就夠了。或者說“I am looking for my first job, so what I’m more interested is what the position can offer my career。”這顯示了新人應有的態度。

標籤:應屆生 面試 禁忌 英語